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Wednesday 23 February 2000

Today's weather extremes

Heavy rain in the Pioneer Valley, Qld 29 Feb 2000

Highest rainfall, 24 hours to 9am

274.0 Finch Hatton PO Qld
274.0 Mirani Council Qld
160.0 Dalrymple Heights Qld
146.0 Mt Charlton Calen Qld

Other heavy falls:
91.0 Whyenbah Qld
75.0 Whitlands Vic
67.2 Mt Buffalo Chalet Vic
62.0 The Meadows Cobar NSW
61.4 Goodooga PO NSW
60.4 Archerton Vic
60.4 Mulga Downs Hebel Qld
57.8 Angledool NSW

Areas of heavy rain continue to fall elsewhere in tropical Queensland, but nearly a foot of rain in the past 24 hours at Finch Hatton and Mirani, west of Mackay, deserves note. Both are in the Pioneer River valley, a classic orographic rain-producer in the moist east to ESE winds which blew today. The valley runs due west, gradually narrowing as it is pinched between 1000 metre ramparts of the Clarke Range. Easterlies are funnelled up the valley where they are forced to rise over Dalrymple Heights, often the wettest place in the state when the wind is right, but only managing 160mm today.

The heaviest falls in the Pioneer valley were during the early morning hours. In 12 hours to 9am, Dows Creek recorded 214mm, Gargett 214, Teenburra Dam 217 and Mirani Weir 191. Minor to moderate flooding occurred in the upper reaches of the Pioneer system, with minor flooding peaking during the afternoon at Mackay. The heavy rain was caused by a band of converging lower and middle level winds moving slowly north over the area.



Highest & Lowest Temps

Maximum Minimum
39.7 Nyang WA
39.6 Birdsville Qld
28.5 Channel Point NT
13.6 Falls Creek Vic 7.0 Crackenback NSW

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
31.7 Lakes Entrance Vic
29.1 Bicheno Tas
19.0 Casterton Vic
Warrnambool AP Vic
18.0 Wynyard AP Tas
23.7 Brewarrina NSW
10.0 Pearce AP WA
Other extreme readings
Douglas River NT: 54mm in 3hrs to 9pm
Bradshaw NT: 67mm in 4hrs to 9pm
Brunette Downs NT: 34mm in 3hrs to noon
Darwin AP NT: 53mm in 3hrs to midnight

Flood peaks:
Pioneer River at Mackay Qld: 6.75m at 1.15pm with minor flooding

Records set this day

  • Times stated are the clock time in force in the relevant state or territory

  • Stories, including those in the archives, are as new and corrected information becomes available, with updates underlined

  • Australian Weather News gratefully acknowledges the Bureau of Meteorology as the collector and main source of meteorological data in Australia, along with the thousands of observers who record the weather and rainfall daily. I also thank Don White and the many contributors to the Aussie Weather mailing list who routinely provide much appreciated information.