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Saturday 26 February 2000

Today's weather extremes

Qld rain band moves to the Cairns area

Highest rainfall, 24 hours to 9am

250.6 Cairns City Qld
237.0 Cairns AP Qld
181.0 Hilltop Qld
176.0 Topaz Malanda Qld
The weak trough system that has been enhancing rain onto the Qld Central and North Coasts during the past two days moved to the Cairns area overnight, while a deepening low southeast of Willis Island was being watched for possible cyclone development. In Cairns, 237mm was recorded between 9 last night and 9 this morning. It fell consistently through the 12 hours, though 117mm fell in the 4 hours to 6am. Rapid rises in streams cut roads and flooded some houses to a depth of a metre, with sandbagging under way for businesses in low lying areas. Farther south, the Bruce Highway was reopened to high wheelbase vehicles south of Ingham as river levels dropped.

Highest & Lowest Temps

Maximum Minimum
39.9 Nyang WA
39.2 Andamooka SA
39.0 Roxby Downs SA
39.0 Tarcoola AP SA
28.8 Oodnadatta AP SA
14.4 Barren Tier Tas 8.3 Mt Read Tas

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
32.2 Bowral NSW
24.0 Ouyen Vic
15.5 Tarraleah Tas
25.1 Yeelirrie WA
27.8 Telfer AP WA
13.3 Mt Seaview NSW
13.8 Prospect Dam NSW
11.7 Cape Naturaliste WA
Other extreme readings
Nyang WA: 29mm in 3hrs to 6pm
Telfer AP WA: 48mm in 3hrs to 3am
Warburton AF WA: 30mm in 3hrs to 3am
Giles MO WA: 24mm in 3hrs to 3am
Yuendumu NT: 44mm in 6hrs to 3am
Lockhart River Qld: 83mm in 9hrs to 6pm
Mareeba Qld: 54mm in 6hrs to 3am
Cairns AP Qld: 237mm in 12hrs to 9am, with 44mm in 1hr to 3am
Willis Island Qld: 122.2mm in 9hrs to 6.30pm

Flood peaks:
Herbert River at Halifax Qld: about 5.3m overnight with major flooding
Haughton River at Giru Qld: about 2.2m this morning with minor flooding

Records set this day

  • Times stated are the clock time in force in the relevant state or territory

  • Stories, including those in the archives, are as new and corrected information becomes available, with updates underlined

  • Australian Weather News gratefully acknowledges the Bureau of Meteorology as the collector and main source of meteorological data in Australia, along with the thousands of observers who record the weather and rainfall daily. I also thank Don White and the many contributors to the Aussie Weather mailing list who routinely provide much appreciated information.