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Wednesday 24 May 2000

Moderate rain in WA Pilbara, SE Qld
Falls of up to 50mm were recorded around Port Hedland in the WA Pilbara in the 24 hours to 9 this morning. The rain fell from a cloudband generated by an area of intense thunderstorms well off the Pilbara coast. The moisture pushed into the middle atmosphere by the storms was carried southeast then east to give rain in the Pilbara and farther inland as well, where the mining community of Telfer recorded 48mm for the 24 hours, 30 of it falling between midnight and 9am. It has been raining for two days in the area, with 48 hour totals as high as 86mm at Carlindi, 75km southeast of Port Hedland.

Earlier cloud generated in the same way streamed across southern Queensland overnight, giving good falls to around 45mm to the state's southeast.

Today's highest rainfall totals for the 24 hours to 9am

51.0 Carlindi Port Hedland WA
48.0 Telfer AP WA
47.0 Beerburrum Qld
47.0 Warrawagine Marble Bar WA

Other heavy falls in northern WA:
37.6 Yarrie Port Hedland
35.0 Port Hedland AP
35.0 Wallareenya Port Hedland

Today's highest & lowest temps

Other extremes

Pardoo WA: 26mm in 6h to noon
Telfer AF WA: 21mm in 3h to 9am
Beerburrum Qld: 40mm in 9h to 3pm
Maroochydore Qld: 34mm in 6h to 3pm
Double Is Pt LH Qld: 34mm in 3h to 9pm
Strathgordon Tas: 21mm in 6h to 3pm

Records set this day

Telfer AP WA: Highest May 24-hour rainfall in 26 years of computer record, 48.0 exceeding the previous record of 44.0

Maximum Minimum
34.3 Kalumburu WA 26.0 McCluer Is NT
26.0 Coconut Is Qld
2.8 Mt Hotham Vic -5.4 Armidale Uni NSW

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
22.6 Narrandera Council NSW
13.4 Grove Res Stn Tas
20.8 Marble Bar WA
-0.3 Eyre WA

  • Times stated are the clock time in force in the relevant state or territory

  • Stories, including those in the archives, are as new and corrected information becomes available, with updates underlined

  • Australian Weather News gratefully acknowledges the Bureau of Meteorology as the collector and main source of meteorological data in Australia, along with the thousands of observers who record the weather and rainfall daily. I also thank Don White and the many contributors to the Aussie Weather mailing list who routinely provide much appreciated information.