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Monday 24 July 2000

Wintry gales, tornadoes and flooding as fronts cross the southeast
Cold fronts swept across SA, Victoria and Tasmania today as a prelude to another cold southern outbreak. Two weak tornadoes were reported from Aldinga and Woodcroft, about 40km south of Adelaide, South Australia, causing minor damage to trees and houses, while in northern Tasmania strong winds uprooted trees, broke windows, lifted roofs and completely unroofed a house in Devonport. Wind gusts with the first front were particularly strong in eastern Victoria and southeastern NSW where Cooma and Gelantipy recorded gusts of 89 and 102km/h respectively. Heavy overnight rain fell in the Western Tiers inland from Devonport, Tasmania, with 64mm recorded at Liawenee on the Great Lake before rain turned to lighter snow this morning. Minor flooding resulted in the Mersey, Forth and Meander Rivers.

Today's highest rainfall totals for the 24 hours to 9am

64.2 Liawenee Tas
47.6 Quamby Bluff Tas
46.6 Strathgordon Tas
40.8 Queenstown Tas

Today's highest & lowest temps

Other extremes

Liawenee Tas:
63mm in 18h to 9am
Queenstown Tas: 41mm in 18h to 9am
Strathgordon Tas: 47mm in 18h to 9am

Wind gusts:
Neptune Is SA:
91km/h at 1.53am and 10.25pm
Cooma AP NSW: 89km/h at 5am
Thredbo Crackenback NSW: 109km/h at 11.58pm
Longerenong Vic: 83km/h at 3.56pm
Falls Creek Vic: 96km/h at 8pm and 8.30pm
Mt Buller Vic: 98km/h at 7am
Gelantipy Vic: 102km/h at 3.23am
Cape Grim Tas: 115km/h at 5am

Flood peaks in Tasmania:
Meander at Meander:
2.7m around 3am with minor flooding
Meander at Deloraine 2.6m around 9am with minor flooding
Mersey at Kimberley:
3.2m around 3pm with minor flooding

Records set this day


Maximum Minimum
34.4 Curtin AP Derby WA 24.0 Coconut Is Qld
0.0 Crackenback NSW -8.7 Glen Innes AP NSW

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
30.9 Windorah Qld
15.0 Birdsville Qld
15.0 Esperance MO WA
-2.0 Dwellingup WA