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Wednesday 09 August 2000

Storms and windy across NSW
Cold and snowy in Tasmania
Rainfall for the 24 hours to 9am

Heavy rain continued in an area around the NSW Snowy Mountains overnight, while widespread storms gave good falls to much of the state's centre and south. Tumbarumba, just west of the Kosciuszko National Park recorded it's wettest August day in 111 years of record when 61mm was measured in the gauge at 9 this morning, 52mm falling in the 18 hours since 3pm yesterday. Other heavy falls are listed below. Snowy Mountains ski resorts reported continuing snow overnight and through today, with blizzard conditions on the Main Range as strong winds developed during the morning with the passage of a cold front. Charlotte Pass reported 174cm snow depth at 9am, with snow conditions generally regarded as the best in 5 years. Strong winds, occasionally gale force, continued over southeastern NSW in the wake of the cold front.

In Tasmania, the cold dry post-frontal southwesterly stream brought light snow down to the 500m level, with sleet and a 3pm temperature of only 5° reported from Geeveston near the southeastern coastline. Atop Mount Wellington at 6pm, the temperature was -4 with the wind averaging 104km/h. 

Today's highest rainfall totals for the 24 hours to 9am

66.0 Cabramurra NSW
62.0 Thredbo Village NSW
61.0 Tumbarumba PO NSW
58.2 Blowering Dam NSW

Other heavy falls in southern NSW:

42.0 Tidbinbilla
41.0 Tumut
40.0 Perisher Valley
38.0 Crackenback
36.0 Khancoban
34.8 Adelong
32.2 Kiah Young
32.0 Gundagai

High falls for other periods:


Today's highest & lowest temps

Other extremes

Wind gusts:
Mt Boyce NSW:
85km/h at 2.43am
Bellambi NSW: 98km/h at 9.40am
Cape Grim Tas: 107km/h at 8pm
Maatsuyker Is Tas: 128km/h with 10-min average of 98km/h at 6pm

10-min average windspeed:
Mt Wellington summit Tas:
104km/h at 6pm

Records set this day

Highest daily rainfall for August (previous record and years of computerised record shown in brackets):
Tumbarumba PO NSW: 61.0 (54.1, 111)

Maximum Minimum
34.0 Wyndham PO WA
34.0 Jabiru AP NT
34.0 Flying Fox NT
34.0 Timber Creek NT
24.0 McCluer Is NT
-2.0 Crackenback NSW -3.4 Mt Wellington Tas

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
25.0 Port Macquarie Town NSW
14.0 Tambo PO Qld
13.0 Balladonia WA
0.0 Warburton AF WA