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Tuesday 19 September 2000

Wintry in Tasmania as bushfires flare in NSW, WA
The week's rainfall to 9 this morning shows the effects of a typical -- and long-lived -- westerly regime BoM

A blustery winter continues in Tasmania, with gale force winds and hail showers across the state. A persistent ridge of high pressure across NSW has provided glorious spring weather for the Sydney Olympics, but has also given over a week of Roaring Forties westerlies to the most southerly state. Moist norwesterlies ahead of successive cold fronts have dumped heavy rain on the west coast, but provided unusually warm nights in the east -- at Bushy Park, up the Derwent Valley from Hobart, the thermometer only dropped to 12° this morning, 8 above average. Rainfall on the mainland has been negligible, and rising temperatures and the low humidity typical of spring continue to cause firefighters concern. A large fire in Western Australia's Kimberley region has closed the Bungle Bungle National Park, while another fire flared up on the NSW South Coast today in the Flat Rock State Forest west of Ulladulla. 

Today's highest rainfall totals for the 24 hours to 9am

45.0 Mt Read Tas
28.8 Strathgordon Tas
25.2 Waldheim Cradle Valley Tas
21.0 Lake Margaret Tas

High falls for other periods:


Today's highest & lowest temps

Other extremes

Wind gusts:
Cape Grim Tas:
104km/h at 6am
Friendly Beaches Tas: 93km/h at 7.05am
Keogh's Pimple Hartz Mtns Tas: 107km/h at 5.34am
Mt Wellington summit Tas: 113km/h at 4.23am

10 minute average wind:
Scotts Peak Dam Tas:
85km/h at 6am

Records set this day


Maximum Minimum
39.0 Onslow AP WA 25.0 McCluer Is NT
25.0 Warruwi NT
1.9 Mt Hotham Vic -2.0 Crackenback NSW

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
29.7 Norah Head LH NSW
32.7 Mt Seaview NSW
34.5 Mungindi NSW
12.0 Bushy Park Tas
26.0 Milingimbi NT
9.0 Mt Isa AP Qld