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Wednesday 11 October 2000

Unseasonable frosts cause damage in Victoria
Record low temperatures in the southeast
Snow in Tasmania
Drought continues despite rain in SE Qld and NE NSW
Clear skies under a high pressure system caused several record low October temperatures this morning in the southeast of the nation, with late frosts causing concern over frost damage to crops in Victoria's northwest. Nhill recorded a minimum of -2.0, equal to its previous lowest October minimum in 38 years of computerised records. This followed a minimum of -1.6 on Monday morning. Laverton Airport, between Melbourne and Geelong, had its coldest October morning in 57 years with a minimum of zero. Local agronomists fear that some crops may have suffered damage. Field peas in the Hopetoun area of western Victoria appear the worst affected with damage rates between 15 and 75%. In South Australia, Parafield, north of Adelaide, broke a 38 year record with a minimum on 1.6 while Swan Island, off the northeastern coast of Tasmania, recorded a record low of 4.3. Widespread light snow was reported across Tasmania overnight, with falls as low as Maydena in the upper Derwent Valley, and at Lake Leake in the northeastern highlands.

Light rain across southern Queensland and northeastern NSW yesterday and overnight have given some hope though little relief to farmers in the area. In the Crows Nest area northwest of Brisbane, water is being carted as homestead supplies dry up, while farther north in the Burnett shires of Gayndah, Eidsvold and Monto, councils are seeking government drought relief. In NSW, a large area of the state's north has been declared a drought area, stretching from near Moree to east of Tenterfield and south to Narrabri and Tamworth. Crops that only a few months ago were promising bumper harvests are being turned over to stock. A surrounding area stretching from the NSW Central Coast to the Queensland border in the northwest has been described as in marginal drought. Coffs Harbour and neighbouring towns have tightened water restrictions, with sprinkler watering permitted only 30 minutes daily.

Today's highest rainfall totals for the 24 hours to 9am

41.2 Wyndham PO WA
25.0 Hinze Dam Qld
21.0 Cape Moreton Qld
18.7 Yandina Qld

High falls for other periods:


Today's highest & lowest temps

Records set this day

Lowest minimum temperature for October (previous record and years of computerised record shown in brackets):
Parafield AP SA: 1.6 (1.8, 38)
Nhill Vic: -2.0 (-2.0, 35), equal lowest
Laverton AP Vic: 0.0 (0.1, 57)
Swan Is LH Tas: 4.3 (4.6, 16)

Maximum Minimum
39.5 Marble Bar WA
39.5 Wollogorant NT
39.5 Victoria River Downs NT
28.0 Dum In Mirrie NT
2.2 Mt Read Tas -6.6 Charlotte Pass NSW

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
31.0 Eucla AP WA
16.0 Salmon Gums WA
15.2 Muirne Tabulam NSW
-2.4 Nhill Vic