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Tuesday 26 December 2000

Continuing hot in southwestern WA 29Dec00
Heavy storm falls continue in NT/western Qld
Wintry weather in Tasmania eases
For the third day in a row, high daytime temperatures were reported from Western Australia's coastal strip between Carnarvon and Cape Leeuwin. The top temperature at Ebeabba, 250km north of Perth, was 45.2°, 12 above normal. Geraldton's top of 43.5 and Busselton Airport's 36.8 were 14 and 13 above respectively. At Cape Naturaliste, near Bunbury, the top temperature of 36.3° was a December record, breaking the previous figure of 36.1 in 43 years of computerised records.

Isolated very heavy rain was again reported from widely scattered parts of the Northern Territory and along the nearby Queensland border as storms and rain areas developed near slow-moving, complex trough systems. Dum In Mirrie, 50km southwest of Darwin, recorded 150mm between 5 and 9am, of which 104 fell in two hours to 8am. In the Territory's north east, Centre Island recorded 150mm between 9 last night and noon today, with a further 30mm falling between 6 and 9 tonight. The Island's one-day total to 9am of 137mm was the highest December one-day fall in its 29 year record. 500km to the SSE, Camooweal recorded 87mm in 12 hours to 9am, of which 61 fell between 9 last night and 3 this morning. Other heavy falls are given below.

Strong, cold westerlies continued to whistle through Bass Strait and buffet western, southern and highland areas in Tasmania today, with overnight snow again reported from the central highlands. However, winds moderated somewhat today as the stream steadied, and the succession of troughs that have freshened winds and brought heavy rain and hail over the past two days petered out. Waldheim, at Cradle Valley, recorded 76.2mm for the 24 hours to 9 this morning, breaking the record which had stood until yesterday morning for the second straight day. The previous December one-day rainfall record of 74.0mm was broken with a fall of 103.2mm yesterday, while today a further 76.2mm was in the gauge at 9am.

Today's highest rainfall totals for the 24 hours to 9am

150.0 Dum In Mirrie NT
137.0 Centre Island NT
107.4 Coolibah NT
100.8 Highlands Plains Station Camooweal Qld

Other heavy falls in western Qld, eastern NT:
89.0 Camooweal PO Qld
78.4 Morstone Station Mt Isa Qld
52.4 Wollogorang NT
49.0 Larrimah NT

Heavy falls in western Tasmania:
76.2 Waldheim Cradle Valley
38.7 Queenstown Mine
31.2 Derwent Bridge

High falls for other periods:

Northern Territory:
Dum In Mirrie:
150mm in 4h to 9am, 104mm falling in 2h to 8am
Centre Island: 150mm in 15h to noon, with a further 30mm in 3h to 9pm
87mm in 12h to 9am, 61 falling in 6h to 3am
Archerfield AP: 33mm in 6h to 9pm
Brisbane City: 24mm in 1h to 6pm

Today's highest & lowest temps

Wind (mean refers to the average windspeed over 10 minutes; gust is the highest speed recorded):

Cunderdin WA: Mean wind 69km/h at 4.34pm
Wilsons Prom Vic: Gusts to 107km/h at 6pm
Mt Wellington summit Tas: Gusts to 102km/h at midnight, 9.30am and 7.54pm

Records set this day

Highest daily rainfall for December (previous record and years of computerised record shown in brackets):
Centre Island NT: 137.0 (115.4, 29)
Waldheim Cradle Valley Tas: The reading of 76.2mm would have broken the previous record, had it not been broken yesterday!

Highest maximum temperature for December (previous record and years of computerised record shown in brackets):
Cape Naturaliste WA: 36.3 (36.1, 43)

Maximum Minimum
45.2 Eneabba PO WA
45.1 Gascoyne Jn WA
29.0 Karratha AP WA
6.7 Mt Wellington Tas -0.6 Mt Wellington Tas

Greatest variations from normal

Maximum Minimum
43.5 Geraldton AP WA
36.3 Cape Naturaliste WA
41.4 Denham WA
22.0 Badgingarra Res Stn Dandaragan WA
28.5 Urandangie Qld
28.5 Brunette Downs NT
7.8 Condobolin Ag Res Stn NSW

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