Australian Weather News
Special report

December 2001 to January 2002

About Australian Weather News
Disastrous bushfires scorch NSW
An exceptional climatic anomaly brought weeks of dry, hot, strong and gusty winds to NSW from Christmas Day 2001 into January 2002. As at 4 January 2002, fires are still threatening many areas on the NSW coast and ranges, after burning through some 500,000 hectares and causing an estimated $80m damage and the mass evacuation of more than 10,000 people. 

This report will be written after the conclusion of the event when more firm information is available. Detailed reports on the fires up to 26 December are currently available on the AWN news pages for those days, and the most reliable source of real-time information is the NSW page of ABC News, and its one-week archive, though because of the nature of the event real time information is often sketchy, conflicting and incomplete.