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Climate graphics links
  • Comprehensive climate maps and graphs of Australia from the Bureau of Meteorology. Overview maps showing Australia's climate zones; rainfall and temperature maps for each state and the whole country for each month, season or the whole year analysed in different ways statistically; rainfall variability, sunshine and wind maps; interesting rainfall, temperature and cloud animated maps (that don't work too well on Netscape); and a set of climate graphs for selected locations around the country. (05/01/01)
  • Archive of rainfall graphics from the Qld DPI -- rainfall maps for Australia and Queensland going back to 1900. (19/2/00)
  • Animated Climate Loops showing Australian Rainfall, Minimum Temperature and Cloudiness in decade averages since 1900, from BoM. (19/2/00)
  • Graphs for individual locations from Global Summary of Day NCDC/Climvis. Allows you to access the Global Summary of Day data for individual stations and months, returning data in graphical and formatted form. User friendly, but a bit slow. (19/2/00)
  • Global daily temperature anomalies, a neat graphical interface showing monthly temperature anomaly maps from now back to 1979 for the troposphere and stratosphere, and a range of graphing options. From NASA's GHCC. (21/03/01)
  • Global Climatic Perspectives System from NCDC. Allows you to produce maps or time series graphs of monthly, seasonal and annual variations from normal of rainfall and temperature using the NOAA Baseline Climatological Dataset which goes back to around 1900. Any area of the globe can be selected, and there is a button box for Australasia. Remember to select gif unless you want the resulting graphic to come back to you in Postscript! You can plot Microwave Sounding Unit temperature anomalies, too, which give average temperature information through the bottom 5km or so of the atmosphere. (19/2/00)
  • Global and hemispheric maps showing monthly mean sea level pressure, 500hPa geopotential, 850 and 200hPa winds, sea surface temperatures and long wave radiation, and anomalies for all, for April 1995 to date. From CPTEC. (19/2/00)
  • Global circulation and anomalies of wind, temperature, pressure and many upper air measures from 1 to 90 days past, from CDC Maproom (19/2/00)
  • Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) Real Time Data Plots CPC. Using global data gathered at 00, 06, 12 and 18 UTC daily, this site allows you to plot maps of Australia (or anywhere else) showing about 70 meteorological variables at the surface or 16 upper levels for the most recent observation time or any time during the past 5 or 6 weeks. For a brief driving lesson, go here (19/2/00)
  • Atmospheric variables plotting page from CDC. A very simple interface to an enormous amount of graphical weather information; global, from 1980 to date, and surface to 50hPa. To plot Australia, select CUSTOM in question 5 and enter latitude and longitude as -45, -10, 110, 160. (21/03/00)
  • Monthly precipitation from the Climate Anomaly Monitoring System (CAMS), CPC/NCEP. Works the same way as the Global Data Assimilation System above, so do a driving lesson on that before trying this one. Output graphics show monthly rainfall in various forms, but appear to be from satellite-derived data, as they include oceanic rainfall. (19/2/00)
  • CPC/NCEP Data Page A gateway page prepared by Wesley Ebisuzaki of CPC to many plottable databases within CPC and NCEP, including the GDAS and CAMS above. Fascinating, but not for the faint of heart! Play around with these Global Data Assimilation System driving lessons before tackling these databases, as the interface appears to be fairly consistent. (19/2/00)