Australian weather and rainfall stations and data

This map shows all present and past weather (synoptic/climatic) and rainfall-only stations operated by the Bureau of Meteorology in Australia. Red squares indicate currently operating weather stations and green circles show currently operating rainfall stations. Purple circles show closed weather and rainfall stations.

Click on the station symbol when cursor changes to a pointing finger for station information and data. You can use the standard Google Maps map, satellite, zoom, drag and streetview features.

When you click a station you can get the following information:

  • Latest 30-minute Automatic Weather Station reports from AWN
  • Latest 3-hourly synoptic observations from AWN
  • Daily observations from all weather and rainfall-only stations, including an archive for all years from AWN
  • Rainfall data for all years of record for the station you have clicked from the Bureau of Meteorology
  • Current and archived weather reports (daily summaries and individual observations) from Ogimet. Go here for information on how to use this very handy site.

If you get an error message, it is because no data is available for that station in that form.

To get Ogimet weather reports for a station:

  1. Click on the station to bring up the balloon
  2. Note the WMO No and click the link to Ogimet. If there is no WMO No, Ogimet has no data.
  3. In the new window that comes up, put the number in the WMO No box. If the WMO No has fewer than 5 digits, pad it up to 5 digits by putting zeroes at left (e.g. 3162 becomes 03162).
  4. Pick the date(s) you want. Ogimet has quite a long archive. Default is latest.
  5. Click Send
  6. Available daily data for the period you nominated comes up (or an error message in spanish if no data available). The Daily Summary contains a lot of information, including a weather symbol for each 3 hours of the day - rest cursor on the symbol for an explanation.
  7. To get each observation during a day, click the date. The observations for 48 hours back from when you nominated come up.
  8. To get even more detail on each observation, click the date/time link.