Updated about 25 minutes past each hour Because most charts span multiple time zones, all charts use UTC (GMT). Current UTC is at right.
Current times in Australia and across this chart from timeanddate.com
Nominal Time UTC
Australian clock time. The charts marked ** are 1 day ahead of UTC.
Surface chart chart one-month archive Each chart is for the same clock time across Australia. Western Australian observations are 2 hours behind those in eastern Australia (3 hours during daylight saving time).
Check the chart is current. For the latest hourly chart, the date/time in the "generated" box in the top left corner of the chart should be at most 90 minutes behind the "Time Now UTC" shown next to the Latest hourly chart link.
All charts open in new windows. You can click between charts to make comparisons. AWN's charts are large, and most browsers in their default settings will resize the image to fit the screen. Click on any part of the chart to enlarge it.
For one-click access to latest chart for an area , click the in the full list of charts.
The latest hourly charts use Automatic Weather Station (AWS) data all for the same time UTC.
The 3-hourly surface archive charts use AWS and human observer data for the same Australian clock time.
All surface charts show pressure isobars in red, temperature isotherms in green (but 0° in dark blue, +30° in orange, -30° in purple), and wind streamlines in grey. Light green shading shows areas with relative humidity above 80%, light yellow below 20%.
Observations for each station are plotted around its location as shown in the observation rose at right. The location is marked by a circle which contains a symbol for amount of cloud or "+" for an AWS not observing cloud. A wind shaft and feathers show the direction and speed of wind blowing into the station. At manned stations, a Weather symbol is used to show what weather (Wx) is happening and PTend gives a Symbol showing barometer trend. Learn more in the help section on synoptic plots.
In the latest hourly charts, AWSs usually only report a few elements. The plot for Katanning at right is a typical Australian AWS report. Cloud is not reported (+ in the circle), wind is nearly westerly at 15km/h, barometer 1009.6, temperature 8, dew point 5, and there has been 0.6mm of rain since 9am of which 0.4 has fallen in the past hour.