Using the Forecasts section
- Use the green menu at the top for AWN's forecast presentations
- Use the menu at left for links to other sites
- On some forecast chart pages, you need to use both your horizontal and vertical screen sliders.
Finding what you want
- Warnings and Forecasts is this page. Use the matrix to quickly access all main Bureau of Meteorology warnings and forecasts.
- 7-day guidance forecasts: Forecasts of daily temperature, rainfall, sunshine and evaporation for over 600 locations across Australia, produced twice daily by the Bureau from an intelligent analysis of what all the computer models are saying.
- Forecast charts - Rain: AWN's most popular page. Where will it rain in the next week? This page puts daily rainfall prediction charts from four forecast models side-by-side for easy comparison. There's also a (pretty speculative) preview for the following week, and forecast soil moisture changes.
- Forecast charts - Pressure: Forecast pressure and upper-air thickness patterns each day for the next week for four models side-by-side.
- Forecast charts - Heat/Cold: Forecast temperature, humidity and wind at 850hPa (about 1.4km) for each day for the next week, and forecast average temperatures and anomalies for the next two weeks.
- Forecast charts - Storms: Forecast instability and total moisture available, the two main ingredients required for thunderstorms, for each day for the next week.
- Links to other sites menu (on the left, above) leads to many other sites, organised by area of interest.