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Weather Software
  1. Digital Atmosphere - Tim Vasquez's excellent weather plotter for surface and upper atmosphere charts, using raw data available on the Net (21/03/00)
  2. Synoptic - A British version of the same thing, but not IMHO so user friendly. Check the demo.txt file for information. (21/03/00)
  3. University of Michigan Weather Software FTP site (21/03/00)
  4. Much of the meteorological information on the Web is available in graphical form, and whilst browsers such as Netscape and Explorer will let you see most of them, they do not allow you a great deal of flexibility in managing the image files. My system is a Pentium 100 with 16mb Ram running Windows 95, and I find that Paintshop Pro 32 bit version allows me to store, recall, and edit images, and (perhaps most importantly for real time weather information) run a group of images as a manually controlled movie loop. More information on this will be added here when I have the time. In the meantime, Roger Brugge's general information on viewers may be useful, as it covers a wide range of operating systems. Many of the charts on this list, from the NWS, use the rather exotic TIF format which, again, I find Paintshop Pro good at managing. (21/03/00)